Configure decorators

Metadata for properties (configuration)

The metadata (configuration) structure of properties is as follows:

interface BasePropertyConfig {
   * @default 'auto'
   * 'auto' | undefined | null: Does not interfere with the presence or absence of this attribute, but the class metadata partial can override it
   * 'partial' | true: force the property to be randomly removed from the mock result
   * 'include' | false: Force this property to be included from the mock result
   * 'exclude': Force the property to be removed from the mock result
  partial?: 'auto' | 'include' | 'exclude' | 'partial' | boolean | undefined | null

   * @default true
   * false: Force this property to reuse the random value generated the first time
   * true: Force this property to generate a new random value every time
  alwaysRandom?: boolean

   * @default undefined
   * The property is only generated in these groups, the groups will be provided by createMock
  groups?: string[] | undefined | null

   * @default false
   * true: The property is an array
   * false: The property is a non-array value
  array?: boolean

   * @default 10
   * array length
   * Takes effect when array is true
   * If min or max exist, this property has no effect
  length?: number | undefined | null

   * @default undefined
   * The minimum length of the array, if max is defined, min defaults to 0
   * Takes effect when array is true
  min?: number | undefined | null

   * @default undefined
   * The maximum length of the array, if min is defined, max defaults to 50
   * Takes effect when array is true
  max?: number | undefined | null


Set property metadata (configuration)

function Config(config: BasePropertyConfig): PropertyDecorator


import {Config, Random} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
    alwaysRandom: true
  name?: string

    groups: ['showAge']
  age!: number

    array: true,
    length: 3
  like?: string[]

createMock(Student, {
  groups: ['showAge']
}) // { name: 'xxx', age: 18, like: ['xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx'] }

createMock(Student) // { name: 'xxx', like: ['xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx'] }


Set the partial of the property's metadata (configuration) to partial.


Set the partial of the property's metadata (configuration) to include.


Set the partial of the property's metadata (configuration) to exclude.


Set the alwaysRandom of the property's metadata (configuration) to true.


Set the alwaysRandom of the property's metadata (configuration) to false.


Set the array of the property's metadata (configuration) to true.

interface ArrayConfig {
  length?: number | undefined | null
  min?: number | undefined | null
  max?: number | undefined | null

function IsArray(length?: number): PropertyDecorator
function IsArray(arrayConfig?: ArrayConfig): PropertyDecorator


Set the array of the property's metadata (configuration) to false.


Set the groups of the property's metadata (configuration).

function Groups(groups: string[] | undefined | null): PropertyDecorator

Chain call

Each property decorator supports chaining call, the following four Student are equivalent:

import {IsAlwaysRandom, IsPartial, IsNotArray, Groups, Config, Random} from 'class-mock'

class Student0 {
  name?: string

class Student1 {
      alwaysRandom: true
  name?: string

class Student2 {
    alwaysRandom: true,
    partial: 'partial',
    array: false,
    groups: ['showName']
  name?: string

class Student3 {
    alwaysRandom: true,
    partial: 'partial',
    array: false,
    groups: ['showName']
  name?: string