Class Decorators

Class Metadata (configuration)

The metadata (configuration) structure of the class is as follows:

interface ClassDecoratorConfig {
   * @default 'auto'
   * 'auto' | null | undefined: Does not interfere with the presence or absence of class properties.
   * 'include': By default, the properties with decorators under the class must exist
   * 'exclude': By default, the properties with decorators under the class must not exist
   * 'partial': By default, the properties with decorators under the class sometimes it exists, sometimes it doesn't
  partial?: 'auto' | 'include' | 'exclude' | 'partial' | undefined | null

   * @default true
   * false: By default, the properties with decorators under the class reuse the first generated random value in the same js runtime
   * true: By default, the properties with decorators under the class generate new random values every time in the same js runtime
  alwaysRandom?: boolean


Set the partial of class metadata (configuration) to partial.

That is, the properties with decorators under the class sometimes it exists, sometimes it doesn't:

import {DefaultPartial, Random, IsInclude} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
   * By default, this property sometimes exists, sometimes it does not exist
  name?: string

   * Force this property to exist
  age!: number

   * property without decorators do not participate in data generation
  like?: string[]


Set the partial of class metadata (configuration) to include.

That is, by default, the properties with decorators under the class must exist:

import {DefaultInclude, Random, IsPartial} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
   * This property exists by default
  name?: string

   * Force this property sometimes exists, sometimes not
  age!: number

   * property without decorators do not participate in data generation
  like?: string[]


Set the partial of class metadata (configuration) to exclude.

By default, the properties with decorators under the class must not exist:

import {DefaultExclude, Random, IsInclude} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
   * This property does not exist by default
  name?: string

   * Force this property to exist
  age!: number

   * property without decorators do not participate in data generation
  like?: string[]


Set the alwaysRandom of class metadata (configuration) to true.

By default, the properties with decorators under the class generate new random values every time in the same js runtime:

import {DefaultAlwaysRandom, Random, IsNotAlwaysRandom} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
   * This property generates a new random value every time in the same js runtime by default
  name?: string

   * Force this property to reuse the first generated random value every time in the same js runtime
  age!: number

   * property without decorators do not participate in data generation
  like?: string[]


Set the alwaysRandom of class metadata (configuration) to true.

By default, the properties with decorators under the class reuse the first generated random value in the same js runtime:

import {DefaultNotAlwaysRandom, Random, IsAlwaysRandom} from 'class-mock'

class Student {
   * By default, this property reuses the random value generated for the first time every time in the same js runtime.
  name?: string

   * Force this property to generate a new random value every time in the same js runtime
  age!: number

   * property without decorators do not participate in data generation
  like?: string[]
