


A hooks that can automatically register jsx as a component.

Can be combined with jsx components just like react.

The jsx function will receive a props whose property children points to the default slot of the jsx component.

Can be mixed with template.


 * @param jsxFn jsx function, the function receives a props, props.children is the default slot
 * @return vue component constructor
function useJsx(jsxFn: Function | Jsx.Element): Component

 * @param name Register jsx as a new component with this name on the current page
 * @param jsxFn jsx function, the function receives a props, props.children is the default slot
 * @return vue component constructor
function useJsx(name: string, jsxFn: Function | Jsx.Element): Component


    <div>The children of the Card component from template</div>

<script lang="tsx">
import {defineComponent, ref} from 'vue'
import {useJsx} from 'vue-xrender'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const time = ref(0)

    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000)

    // Static jsx
    const SubTitle = useJsx(<h3>Subtitle: The time of first frame is: {time.value}s</h3>)

    // Dynamic jsx
    const Title = useJsx(props => (
        <h1>Title: Dynamic time values: {time.value}s</h1>

    // When the first parameter of useJsx is a string, the default is the component name to register the jsx as a component
    useJsx('Card', props => (
        <h1>Card component, created with useJsx in setup, used in template</h1>

    return {}
<script lang="tsx" setup>
import {ref} from 'vue'
import {useJsx} from 'vue-xrender'

const time = ref(0)

setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

// Static jsx
const SubTitle = useJsx(<h3>Subtitle: The time of first frame is: {time.value}s</h3>)

// Dynamic jsx
const Title = useJsx(props => (
    <h1>Title: Dynamic time values: {time.value}s</h1>

// When the first parameter of useJsx is a string, the default is the component name to register the jsx as a component
useJsx('Card', props => (
    <h1>Card component, created with useJsx in setup, used in template</h1>
    <div>The children of the Card component from template</div>



Please see jsx notice